Recruit World-Class Sales Talent from South Africa

Native English-speaking sales reps & BDMs from £20k per year
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Double-Vetted Candidates
Top Sales Talent with a huge saving on annual salary
Fair Payment Policy

How Our Service Works

Define Your Needs: Let us know details about the role, a profile of the ideal candidate, and your budget.

Candidate Selection: We meticulously shortlist candidates who match your criteria, rigorously interviewing & testing them to ensure they align.

Interview and Hire: We arrange a meeting to introduce you to out top-vetted candidates, then reference check your favourites. If you decide on any of them, we handle the hiring process from start to finish until the candidate is placed.

Did you know?

"South Africa is home to some of the world's best BDMs, and the salaries are often more than 50% less than equivalent talent in the UK and US"